Saturday, February 7, 2009

The King and Cash- Pain and Suffering

I have been pondering something a lot lately. What I have been thinking about is what has been called the "prosperity gospel". This is especially relevant for now, because of the apparent recession that we are in, or downturn of the economy.

The crux of the prosperity gospel says that Jesus died so that we can be "triumphant" meaning- healthy, wealthy, and prosperous. I am appalled that because of the greed of many hearts that this false gospel has taken root so deeply in our culture. Interesting enough, if worse came to worse and our economy was to crash- what would happen to this so-called gospel?

Furthermore, those who propagate and believe in the prosperity seriously need to take "Hermeneutics" with Mark Hawkes, or get their eyes checked when reading the Scriptures. Is it not clear from the Bible that Jesus suffered intensely for our sin, to the point of death, in fact dying the death that we should have died for our sin? When we look at the suffering of Christ, it seems tame to call the prosperity gospel a complete and utter travesty. Jesus did not die to make us comfortable, rich, healthy, or wealthy. He died to set us free from sin and death. (Romans 6:23)

There are many examples all throughout Scripture of people who suffered greatly for the proclamation of the truth. I have to think, that the "cloud of witnesses" mentioned in the book of Hebrews (Hebrews 12) would shudder at those who believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is so that their Escalade can have bigger rims. Also notable, is that suffering has always, always, furthered the progress of the true gospel. I cannot remember where I heard it, but I heard somewhere the other day that someone China was telling people from North America to stop praying that suffering would end in China. Because the suffering of the saints has furthered the cause of Christ in that nation. They are praying that we in North America will have to undergo suffering, so that there can be a true revival based upon our depravity, and Jesus' glory- the true gospel. Do I want to suffer? In all honesty, of course I do not. Is the progress of the truth of Jesus Christ more important than my comfort? Absolutely. "Lord Jesus, please help me never, ever to be comfortable to the point where I am apt to be complacent"

Two very notable people have come across my mind as I have thought about this subject. One, is "The King" Elvis Presley, and the other is Johnny Cash. No, I didnt not pick Johnny Cash in this discussion because I am trying to be punny like Roger Stronstad. Also, let me say off the top that I am not here to argue which team Elvis going to be on when the King of Kings and Lord of Lords returns for his church. But, I think that their two men both have powerful stories. Both were on the top of the world. Both had almost everything that money could buy them. Both of them experienced tremendous pain and suffering in their lives. Both, I believe recognized their depravity and turned to Jesus Christ.

It is said that in one of his concerts there was a sign that a bunch of girls have that said "Elvis is King". But Elvis, stopped the music, and said to them "Jesus Christ is King". It is also very well documented how Elvis was most at peace when playing gospel tunes that he grew up with. He even forced other celebrities that were in his home, to listen to his play gospel music. Johnny Cash perhaps did not see the light, until his hour was darkest. He was the man in black- for the poor and the downtrodden- and because he realized how dark he was without Jesus. My point with them, is that they had it all, yet suffered a lot and had a real concept of their own depravity. If we have a real, startling, view of our own depravity as humans, and that we are nothing without the true gospel of Jesus Christ, it is almost impossible for shams like the prosperity gospel to take root.

What started all of this for me? In short, this video.

What is the point of this ramble? I am glad you asked. The point is that I want to live a radical life for Jesus Christ. As John Piper says, "God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him, in the midst of suffering, not prosperity". Again, I am not in love with the idea of pain and suffering in my own life. What I want to be absolutely crazy about, is the glory of Jesus, and his true gospel- which has the power to set us free from sin and death.

The true gospel of Christ has the power to make us, who are called according to his purpose, VICTORIOUS. So that we can have mutual funds? So that we can be assured that we will never ever catch a cold again? So that we won't have to endure loss? So that we will not get cancer? No. Rather, so that Jesus Christ, the Risen One would be glorified in all that we do, and everything that we are, even or especially in the midst of suffering.

My prayer is for myself, and the church of Jesus Christ in North America would be most satisfied in Jesus Christ, that he would be glorified like he ought to be. In the midst of ALL life brings. I want to be most concerned with WHAT MAKES GOD LOOK GLORIOUS- because he is.